Human Resource Management level 3

Classified by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development as sixth, equivalent to an intermediate university degree from technical colleges. Certified by the General Training Corporation

10 Videos
Course Trainer

معهد التميز الكندي

التعليم والتدريب

Classified by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development as sixth, equivalent to an intermediate university degree from technical colleges. Certified by the General Training Corporation

Course Content
Accounting principles course
The prescribed book Watch More
the duty
Monthly testing
Islamic studies course
The prescribed book Watch More
Quiz 1
الاختبار النهائي Watch More
الواجب Watch More
English language course 2
The prescribed book Watch More
Quiz اختبار قصير English 2 Watch More
questions and answers

وفاء الشريف

22 يونيو 2023
Good morning everyone Welcome to the new level of English subject. There will be no class for today, enjoy your holiday.
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مقرر المحاسبة.pdf

pdf file 2.44 MB

ثقافة اسلامية 1 (2).pdf

pdf file 7.98 MB

Headway beginner book2.pdf

pdf file 5.24 MB

اختبار المحاسبة (1).pdf

pdf file 148.16 kB
Subscriber ratings and reviews
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اسرار العتيبي

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امل الحداد

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نوره علي ال ابوغبار

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ملاك ال عباس

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ثريا ال رشدان

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منى فرج سهل ال رزق منى فرج سهل ال رزق

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