يقدم برنامج تدريب المدربين المهارات الأساسية والطرق العملية حيث يركز البرنامج على التعريف بأساسيات التدريب وإعداد الأهداف وبناء الحقائب التدريبية

16 Video
Course Trainer

معهد التميز الكندي

التعليم والتدريب

Training of Trainers (TOT) Course

Course Description:

_ This training program focuses 20% on the methodological scientific foundation of the trainer and 80% on practical applications that aim to form and develop applied skills by focusing on the participant presenting a wide range of practical applications, undergoing tests and evaluations, and receiving direct feedback from the trainer. .
_ The trainer training program provides basic skills and practical methods. The program focuses on introducing the basics of training, setting goals, building training packages and contents, developing the art of public speaking, and strategies for implementing programs. Then, it moves you to manage the training process, so participants learn the rules of an effective trainer, registration management, and preparing the place. The program focuses on You must teach participants the art of constructing and designing knowledge and skill units for training packages, defining the concepts, principles, process, method, and exercise for each training unit, designing accompanying slide shows, and motivational preparation mechanisms for participants in your courses, and all of this within a practical, applied framework in which every participant in the program is allowed to design, build, and present his or her training material. Gradually, he is evaluated on it and receives effective feedback that helps him improve his performance.

Detailed objectives:

At the end of the course, the trainee will be able to:

  1. To know the principles and basics necessary for the training process.
  2. Enumerate the types of training and how to practice them.
  3. To classify the trainees’ styles and how to interact with them.
  4. The development of female trainers’ performance and style as trainers.
  5. To choose appropriate and diverse training methods and how to prepare them.
  6. To use the best presentation and presentation methods to raise the trainees’ performance.
  7. Preparing distinguished training materials and preparing a good training package.
  8. To evaluate and follow up on training

Joining the “Training of Trainers” program does not require the use of any technologies or downloading programs to complete the training process.

Course Content
Course contents
Training bag Watch More
Time plan for the training of trainers course Watch More
Unit One: Training Basics
Training basics Watch More
quiz 1
Unit Two: How to manage the training process
How to manage the training process Watch More
6 important stages in preparing training materials for the training package Watch More
quiz 2
Unit Three: Training methods and activities
Training methods and activities Watch More
The most important modern and simple training methods and different training methods Watch More
quiz 3
Unit Four: Learn presentation and delivery skills
Follow training methods and activities Watch More
quiz 4
Unit Five: Training games
Training games Watch More
quiz 5
Unit Six: Contents of the training bag
Contents of the training bag Watch More
quiz 6
questions and answers

غاده بالحارث

16 سبتمبر 2023
اين أجد نموذج تصميم دورة بصيغة word؟

اماني علي

24 ديسمبر 2023
السلام عليكم ...كيف يمكنني الوصل للفصول الافتراضية؟

معهد التميز الكندي

24 ديسمبر 2023
عليكم السلام... سيتم ارسال دعوة للفصل الافتراضي بمجرد قيامك في التسجيل في الدورة حيث انه سيتم ارسال رابط الحضور للجلسة الافتراضية عبر الايميل بالإضافة الى إمكانية جدولتها من خلال google calendar وغيرها من الادوات
1 from questions

حقيبة دورة تدريب المدربين.pdf

pdf file 9.15 MB

حقيبة دورة تدريب المدربين 1.pdf

pdf file 2.30 MB

حقيبة دورة تدريب المدربين 2.pdf

pdf file 1.37 MB

حقيبة دورة تدريب المدربين 3.pdf

pdf file 2.12 MB

حقيبة دورة تدريب المدربين 4.pdf

pdf file 1.76 MB

حقيبة دورة تدريب المدربين 5.pdf

pdf file 1.68 MB

حقيبة دورة تدريب المدربين 6.pdf

pdf file 1.41 MB

تدريب المدربين الخطة زمنية لبرنامج.pdf

pdf file 597.56 kB
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